Letters / Clean Economy Union Jobs
Comments on EPA’s Proposed Rule on Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines
The BlueGreen Alliance submits comments on EPA’s proposed rule on carbon pollution emission guidelines for existing stationary sources.
Letters / Clean Economy Union Jobs
The BlueGreen Alliance submits comments on EPA’s proposed rule on carbon pollution emission guidelines for existing stationary sources.
Letters / Advanced Clean Technology
The BlueGreen Alliance urged President Obama to adopt a strong methane reduction strategy in order to advance the U.S. Climate Action Plan and meet the administration’s target of reducing the nation’s global warming pollution 17 percent by 2020.
Letters / Infrastructure and Community Resilience
Pittsburgh City Councilman Dan Gilman on Earth Day introduced a Will of Council in support of shoring up infrastructure investments to protect communities from the worsening effects of climate change.
Letters / Clean Economy Union Jobs
The BlueGreen Alliance urges, the stewardship of advanced industries ensures American leadership in clean energy, energy efficiency, and transportation sectors and is critical that the US expand the penetration of these industries.
Letters / Clean Economy Union Jobs
The BlueGreen Alliance urges Congress to provide support to key tax provisions consistently and with longevity. A 21st century clean energy economy creates good American jobs, mitigates carbon pollution and ensures the U.S. remains secure and competitive.
Letters / Clean Economy Union Jobs
On Wednesday, July 30 the BlueGreen Alliance sent a letter urging members of Congress to oppose the REINS Act, legislation that would undermine our system of public protections.