BlueGreen Alliance Welcomes House Introduction of HEROES Act
Democratic leaders of the House of Representatives today introduced the HEROES Act, the next phase of legislation to address the impact of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.
Testimony & Comments / Clean Economy Union Jobs
It is critical we ensure the safety of workers on the job in the face of COVID-19, whether they are nurses on the frontlines, workers in warehouses, utility workers keeping the lights on across the country, or manufacturing workers building essential products. Congress has taken significant steps to protect workers, and must continue to prioritize the most vulnerable; safeguard working peoples’ jobs, homes, and livelihoods; shore up essential public services; and protect the health and safety of frontline workers.
Letters / Clean Economy Union Jobs
The BlueGreen Alliance and several of its labor and environmental partners sent a letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer urging the prioritization of workers and families as Congress continues to work to provide critical relief during the COVID-19 crisis.
Clean and Electric Vehicle Manufacturing
The Trump administration is expected tomorrow to release a rule dramatically weakening the nation’s globally competitive fuel economy and vehicle greenhouse gas emissions standards. A BlueGreen Alliance analysis estimated a rollback of the standards could cost at least 90,000 future jobs in American manufacturing.