Social Infrastructure: Ensuring the Public Sector, Public Services, and Workers are Resilient for Future Crises and Climate Change
Partner/Supporter Social
Workers who are union members fare better in crises—whether the crisis is #COVID19 or #ClimateChange. It’s critical we prioritize workers’ rights, representation, and training: #SocialInfrastructure @BGAlliance
During crises, unionized workers have better access to enhanced safety measures, unemployment insurance, additional pay, paid sick time, and job-saving arrangements. It’s critical we prioritize worker rights, representation, and training: #SocialInfrastructure @BGAlliance
Due to lack of social infrastructure, not only are people of color more economically vulnerable in this crisis, but disproportionately their lives are being put at greater risk. @BGAlliance outlines critical areas where we need to invest time and capitol to build up social infrastructure: #SocialInfrastructure
A 2019 report found that Black and Hispanic Americans live in neighborhoods with more pollution but produce less, whereas white communities are less polluted but white people produce more pollution. What does social infrastructure have to do with it? Find out: #SocialInfrastructure @BGAlliance
After decades of neglect, our public sector wasn’t prepared for a pandemic, and it isn’t prepared for climate change. See how we can change that by investing in our social infrastructure. #SocialInfrastructure @BGAlliance
#ClimateChange is already hurting workers and communities across the country. These impacts will only worsen if we don’t take decisive action to bolster our public sector and social infrastructure. #SocialInfrastructure @BGAlliance
Without strong social infrastructure, workers and communities cannot achieve resilience in the face of crises. #SocialInfrastructure @BGAlliance
Communities and workers must have the proper training and resources to build resilience ahead of a crisis so that when it hits, they have the capacity to withstand, recover, and adapt to it. #SocialInfrastructure @BGAlliance
Too often federal policy is reactive, providing workers, resources, or establishing emergency protocols only after a threat has already transpired. See why we need to provide these communities these tools all the time: #SocialInfrastructure @BGAlliance
A strong public sector not only creates a standing pool of well-trained emergency responders, but contributes to a higher quality delivery of public services every day. #SocialInfrastructure @BGAlliance
There is no viable pathway to resilience in the face of #ClimateChange without investing in our social infrastructure. #SocialInfrastructure @BGAlliance
Alongside social infrastructure, we also must rebuild and expand the social safety net which includes pensions, healthcare, and retirement security. Learn more: #SocialInfrastructure @BGAlliance
Without strong social infrastructure, workers and their communities cannot achieve resilience in the face of crises. COVID-19 has revealed that too often federal policy is reactive, providing workers, resources, or establishing emergency protocols only AFTER a threat has already transpired. We must invest and rebuild our social infrastructure and safety net now. See how: #SocialInfrastructure @bluegreenalliance
There is no viable pathway to resilience in the face of climate change without investing in our social infrastructure. Climate change is already hurting workers and communities across the country and will only worsen if we don’t take decisive action. Read @bluegreenalliance’s NEW report: #SocialInfrastructure
A 2019 report found that Black and Hispanic Americans live in neighborhoods with more pollution but produce less, whereas white communities are less polluted but white people produce more pollution. What does social infrastructure have to do with it? Find out: #SocialInfrastructure @bluegreenalliance