CBAs that ABC: Using Community Benefit Agreements to Actually Benefit Communities
- Urban Institute – Tools and Resources for Project-Based Community Advisory Boards
This toolkit offers practical guidance for incorporating a Community Advisory Board into a project, with the goal of strengthening community buy-in and participation.
- Urban Institute – Equitable Compensation for Community Engagement Guidebook
This toolkit offers a critical view of community engagement and what it means to equitably compensate community members for their participation. Includes 5 guiding principles of equitable compensation, common challenges, and practical steps to take in designing a compensation plan (in the form of a “compensation checklist”)
- Washington State Office of Equity – Community Compensation Guidelines
This is a guidance document for agencies who wish to comply with the Second Substitute Senate Bill (2SSB) 5793, which allows agencies to provide stipends to individuals who are low-income or have lived experience to support their participation in public policy discussions that directly impact them. May be useful in identifying how to compensate community members more broadly for their participation.
- Nashville MLS Soccer – Community Benefits Agreement
This community benefits agreement details (in section 3) the ongoing monitoring and enforcement of the commitments identified therein. Of note, monitoring and enforcement happen through a “Community Advisory Committee”, which is made up of representatives from the community (a resident and community coalition member) and the developer.
- Simon Fraser University - Impact Benefit Agreement Guidebook
This book provides in depth guidance on how to design the fiscal components of a community benefit agreement to achieve a fair distribution of project revenue for the community.
- Good Jobs First & California Partnership for Working Families – Community Benefits Agreements: Making Development Projects Accountable
This report identifies the pros and cons of CBAs, and common components of CBAs (ex. living wage provisions, targeted hiring, addressing environmental issues, etc.). Chapter eight covers monitoring and enforcement, providing some good information about what pitfalls to keep in mind when negotiating a CBA.