The BlueGreen Alliance Responds to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Request For Information on the Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program
Through the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, and through its programs’ implementation, legislative and agency action can work together to ensure that good jobs and a clean environment also advance critical priorities like economic and climate justice. We appreciate the opportunity to inform/respond to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Request for Information on transportation programs, particularly the Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program.
Reducing emissions from heavy-duty vehicles through the EPA’s Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program is among the most important ways that climate policy can redress the harms of inequitable transportation and land use planning decisions of the past, which have impoverished and polluted Black and low-income communities by locating major sources of local pollution, like industrial facilities and highway infrastructure near and within them.
EPA now has the opportunity to ensure that the $1 billion appropriated for the implementation of the Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program maximize benefits to the public, namely the communities where awardees are located, and the workers—manufacturing workers, drivers, mechanics, and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) electricians—who are impacted.
See the comments.