Testimony of Lee Geisse at EPA, NHTSA Hearing on Fuel Economy Standards
The BlueGreen Alliance's Lee Geisse testified at a hearing of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) on September 26, 2018 in Pittsburgh, PA to oppose the agencies’ proposal to weaken the nation’s leading fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions standards.
Over the last decade—and while meeting our current strong standards—the U.S. has seen a transformation in the automotive sector, returning to profitability and record sales, and bringing back jobs building innovative vehicles, parts, and materials all across the country. The BlueGreen alliance has found that there are currently at least 288,000 workers in 1,200 factories and engineering facilities in 48 states employed building the parts and materials that make today’s vehicles more fuel efficient.
Additionally, under the standards, automakers have invested $76 billion in American plants and facilities. While some of that $76 billion represents business-as-usual investment, a significant portion is new, added, or enhanced investment in the innovative technology and manufacturing processes to meet the nation’s commonsense fuel economy and greenhouse gas standards.
Read Lee’s full testimony by clicking the download button below.