BlueGreen Alliance | President Biden Showcases How Landmark Laws Deliver for Working People

President Biden Showcases How Landmark Laws Deliver for Working People

September 24, 2024

President Biden today gave remarks at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum, highlighting the impacts of the landmark climate, clean energy, and manufacturing investments made by the Biden-Harris administration. The president focused on the climate and jobs progress made by the Inflation Reduction Act, noting that 96% of the funding that can be spent this year has been awarded or made available—creating cleaner air, jobs, and opportunity for working people around the country.  

Following the remarks, the BlueGreen Alliance issued a statement from Executive Director Jason Walsh: 

“The impacts of the landmark climate, clean energy, and manufacturing laws signed by the Biden-Harris administration are being felt in every corner of our country. President Biden and Vice President Harris have led us to an exciting moment where workers—particularly in communities of color, deindustrialized communities, and communities impacted by America’s energy shiftare seeing a brighter future for their children and grandchildren within reach the first time in decades. 

“We thank President Biden for his vision and leadership and join him in celebrating the progress made for workers and the environment.”