Pathways and Policies Towards Green Jobs in Cincinnati
The BlueGreen Alliance released a report in Cincinnati that identifies polices and programs necessary to grow and expand green manufacturing jobs in the city of Cincinnati.
The BlueGreen Alliance released a report in Cincinnati that identifies polices and programs necessary to grow and expand green manufacturing jobs in the city of Cincinnati. The report, Pathways and Policies Towards Green Jobs in Cincinnati, contains five key findings and five recommendations that, if implemented, would spur green manufacturing in the area, creating good jobs for workers and a better environment for the community.
The report’s key findings include: defining green jobs as jobs which produce green products or services while paying full-time living wages (and prevailing wages in the construction sector) with affordable quality health care and retirement benefits for work completed in a safe working environment; creating a local Green Jobs Council; supporting existing companies in transition to green jobs; developing a strong funding model to support additional investment; adding “green strings” to existing government incentives; and adding, aligning, and enhancing existing policies for green jobs.
*The Pathways and Policies Towards Green Jobs in Cincinnati report was supported by the BlueGreen Alliance Foundation.