BlueGreen Leaders Urge EPA to Keep Strong Fuel Economy Standards
At an EPA hearing on fuel economy standards, United Steelworker members and the BlueGreen Alliance urged the agency to keep strong standards for model year 2022-2025 light-duty cars, trucks, and SUVs.

Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) met with USW Local 2 President Hefner, USW Local 979 President Boone, Lee Geisse from the BlueGreen Alliance and others supporting strong fuel economy standards.
Two members of the United Steelworkers (USW) from Ohio today joined Zoe Lipman and Lee Geisse from the BlueGreen Alliance to testify at a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hearing on fuel economy standards. The USW leaders told EPA officials to retain strong fuel economy standards for model year 2022-2025 light-duty cars, trucks, and SUVs to protect the jobs of thousands of Ohio workers building components for today’s rapidly innovating auto industry.
Jack Hefner, President of USW Local 2 represents members in Akron at Maxion Wheels, Goodyear, and other automotive industry suppliers. He discussed how cleaner cars are rebuilding America’s manufacturing sector, saving consumers at the pump, and protecting the environment.
Dan Boone, President of USW Local 979 represents members at the ArcelorMittal plant in Cleveland, one of most innovative and productive steel mills in the world that makes lighter, stronger steel primarily for cleaner vehicles.
The BlueGreen Alliance’s Zoe Lipman and Lee Geisse focused on innovation and the job-creation potential of cleaner cars and the benefits to our environment.
Download the testimony of all four below.