BlueGreen Alliance | BlueGreen Alliance Endorses Sen. Tammy Baldwin for U.S. Senate

BlueGreen Alliance Endorses Sen. Tammy Baldwin for U.S. Senate

September 2, 2024

This Labor Day the BlueGreen Alliance, a national partnership of labor unions and environmental organizations, announced that the organization has endorsed Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) for reelection to the U.S. Senate.

“The BlueGreen Alliance is proud to endorse Sen. Baldwin for U.S. Senate,” said BlueGreen Alliance Executive Director Jason Walsh. “Our organization is founded on the belief that we don’t have to choose between good jobs and a clean environment; we can and must have both. Sen. Baldwin is a champion for fighting climate change, protecting the health of people and the environment, and creating good-paying union jobs, and she is the best choice in the race for U.S. Senate from Wisconsin.”

“I’m honored to receive the BlueGreen Alliance’s endorsement today,” said Sen. Baldwin. “I’m proud that I’ve passed legislation to protect our environment and create good-paying jobs in Wisconsin and throughout the country with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act. I’m eager to continue this work, and I look forward to working with the BlueGreen Alliance.”

The endorsement is a recognition of the leadership of Sen. Baldwin’s commitment to create good-paying union jobs, fight economic and racial injustice, and reduce the emissions driving climate change. Sen. Baldwin voted for several key priorities demonstrating her legislative record supporting workers and a clean environment.

According to the White House, in Wisconsin this federal legislation has:

  • Helped create 180,700 jobs;
  • Spurred 222,000 applications for new businesses;
  • Incentivized $3.8 billion in private sector manufacturing and clean energy investments; and
  • Invested $41 million to replace lead pipes.

“Wisconsinites and our communities and environment are better off because Senator Baldwin represents us,” said Wisconsin Conservation Voters Executive Director Kerry Schumann. “With climate change impacting Wisconsin in very real ways, from extreme weather to longer tick and mosquito seasons to reduced corn harvests, Senator Baldwin’s support for the Inflation Reduction Act and other clean energy and climate policies helps ensure Wisconsin does its part to reduce climate emissions and move us into the clean energy economy.”

“Senator Baldwin is a strong voice for the working families in Wisconsin and has done great work investing in workers and our state,” said Wisconsin Pipe Trades President Corey Gall. “Federal investments supported by the Senator are creating good jobs for members of the trades around the state and we cannot afford to roll them back or lose out on future jobs and opportunity. We stand with Senator Baldwin because she stands with our members.”

“We’re proud to support Sen. Baldwin because she is a leader that stands with teachers, students, and our school communities,” said AFT-Wisconsin President Kim Kohlhaas. “She championed the Inflation Reduction Act’s investments in our public schools, including the direct pay provision that lets schools—for the first time—utilize tax credits to make improvements, like adding solar power and efficiency upgrades.”

“We are excited to work alongside Sen. Baldwin in this election and beyond,” said Walsh. “We need her leadership in the Senate, and we ask Wisconsinites to support her for another term.”