BlueGreen Alliance | Biden Stands on UAW Picket Line in Historic Display of Solidarity

Biden Stands on UAW Picket Line in Historic Display of Solidarity

September 26, 2023

In response to an invitation from United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain, President Joe Biden today joined striking auto workers on the picket line outside Ford’s Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne, MI. This is believed to be the first time a sitting president has joined striking workers on a picket line, providing major credence to Biden’s reputation as one of the most pro-worker presidents in U.S. history. During his time in office, he has pushed for historic labor standards in landmark legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and has advocated strongly for the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.

In response to the president’s visit, the BlueGreen Alliance released the following statement from Executive Director Jason Walsh:

“From day one, President Biden has walked the walk in his support for strong unions and today he walked right out to the picket line to fight for workers’ rights. President Biden’s quick response to the UAW’s call for solidarity is historic and demonstrates the importance of this strike and what it represents for the future of the clean economy.

“The UAW is fighting for its members and to reverse the trend of companies utilizing the transition to clean vehicles as an excuse to lower job quality for the very workers who built their profits. Joe Biden is standing up for workers and for an EV future built here in the U.S. by union workers.”