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DOE Industrial Strategy Hits all the Right Notes

Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm today detailed the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) industrial strategy, focused on supporting domestic manufacturing; reducing emissions; creating and sustaining high-quality jobs; ensuring maximum benefits to communities; and promoting fairness, diversity, and inclusion in the clean energy economy.

BlueGreen Alliance Response to Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for the section 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit

The 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Tax Credit provides the largest ever investment in U.S. manufacturing of clean energy technologies. These investments are core to our mission to link climate action with good union jobs and to counter the racial and income inequality fed by manufacturing job losses. 45X is critical to the Inflation Reduction Act’s larger strategy to reduce industrial emissions and pollution, re-shore clean technology supply chains, support good manufacturing jobs, and spur U.S. global competitiveness.

BlueGreen Alliance’s Comments on the Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements

The BlueGreen Alliance was excited to offer our comments on the proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) and specifically on proactive and equitable lead service line replacement (LSLR). LSLR represents a significant and scalable opportunity to support and create good, union jobs, improve the health of communities, and address environmental injustice by prioritizing those communities that have been disproportionately impacted by toxic legacy substances like lead.

Map and Analysis: Building a Strong Manufacturing Base for Clean Energy in the US

The clean technology supply chain analysis below can help federal and state policymakers, advocates, developers, journalists, and others trying to break down the complexity of domestic supply chains for clean energy. The map and spreadsheet below show how we can use new investments in the Inflation Reduction Act to bridge supply chain gaps and build a stronger, cleaner, and fairer industrial base for the clean economy in the U.S.

BlueGreen Alliance Joins Dozens of Organizations in Calling for White House Office of Management and Budget to Maximizing Federal Dollars

The BlueGreen Alliance joined dozens of organizations in a letter to the White House Office of Management and Budget calling for the agency to maximize the benefits of federal dollars for local communities and workers. The organizations represent and serve a variety of constituencies that are working hard to rebuild and recover from the devastating impacts…