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Preview of Supplying Ingenuity II

This issue brief provides a preview of research from the upcoming report Supplying Ingenuity II: U.S. Suppliers of Key Clean, Fuel-Efficient Vehicle Technologies due out in 2017.

Why We Need to End Lead Poisoning, Now More Than Ever

Lead poisoning is entirely preventable, yet 535,000 children under the age of six are poisoned by lead in the United States each year. Lead was banned from gasoline starting in 1975, and laws that removed lead from interior house paint and from pipes and solder were enacted in 1978 and 1986 respectively. So, why are we still fighting this battle?

BlueGreen Alliance Statement on Paris Agreement

The BlueGreen Alliance Executive Director Kim Glas on the Paris Climate Agreement’s entry into force. The historic agreement entered into force today, three days ahead of the start of the 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 22) in Marrakech, Morocco.

Big Trucks Join Vehicles of all Sizes in Combating Climate Change

Across the country, companies and workers are building the advanced fuel-efficient vehicles of the future. These are not just our cars, SUVs and pickup trucks, but also “medium- and heavy-duty” vehicles–everything from super-duty pickups, work vehicles, and buses, to delivery trucks and long haul semis/tractor-trailers that move America’s packages and goods. Broad-based innovation across the industry has been essential to rebuilding a strong, globally competitive domestic transportation supply chain—and the manufacturing jobs that go with it.