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House Natural Resources Committee Passes Abandoned Mine Land Bill

The House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources today reported out the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act Amendments of 2019, which reauthorizes the Abandoned Mine Land Program. The bill will help coal communities adapt to changing economics, while reclaiming their natural landscape.

BlueGreen Alliance Applauds Introduction of Bill to Extend Black Lung Excise Tax

Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV), Doug Jones (D-AL), Mark Warner (D-VA), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Bob Casey (D-PA) Friday introduced the Black Lung Benefits Disability Trust Fund Solvency Act of 2020, a bill to extend the black lung excise tax through the end of 2030. The tax provides revenue to the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, which helps coal miners with black lung get the medical care they need.

Clean Energy and Good Jobs Must Go Hand in Hand

The Oregon Secretary of State’s office has rejected the text of Initiative Petitions 2020-048 and 2020-049—ballot proposals that would boost clean energy and clean up Oregon’s air—for including language to ensure the jobs created by the initiatives were good-paying jobs.

Block Island Project Shows the Enormous Opportunity of Offshore Wind Power

Labor union leaders from Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. toured the first operational commercial offshore wind project off Rhode Island this summer to see the unparalleled contribution that offshore wind can make in creating good jobs in a clean energy future.

Year-End Priorities Letter to House Leadership

As a coalition of the nation’s largest labor unions and environmental groups, collectively representing millions of members and supporters, we wrote to House leadership to urge the to swiftly bring up several key items for floor consideration.

Building Clean Teams up With HPN Select to Help Affordable Housing Owners Find Local Building Products

Building Clean and HPN Select, a Housing Partnership Network social enterprise, announced a partnership to help affordable housing owners find locally manufactured building products. With Building Clean’s assistance, HPN Select will add the manufacturing location—city and state—to thousands of building products in the Select EcoGuide, a database highlighting the health and sustainability of materials used by nonprofit multifamily housing developers.

The GM Strike and the Future of American Manufacturing

After more than a month on the picket lines, members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) at General Motors (GM) returned to work this week having ratified a contract that means better and more equitable wages, secure health care benefits, and that their “temporary” co-workers have a path to permanent jobs.