BlueGreen Alliance | Search Results aluminum

Displaying 75 search results for aluminum.

Manufacturing a Cleaner Planet – Part Two

The first Earth Day was observed in 1970. Even then, early environmental activists understood the value of labor in their endeavors for a cleaner earth. Former United Autoworkers President Walter Reuther was an integral part to this important holiday. President Biden and Congressional Democrats continued this legacy by passing the most pro-labor pro-environmental laws in U.S. history.

Manufacturing a Cleaner Planet – Part One

Too many of our Earth Days have been marred by steep industrial emissions and a decline in domestic manufacturing. That decline has equated to importing emissions through foreign goods made with lower environmental and labor standards. Thanks to the Biden administration, the tide is changing for our industrial sector.

The 48C Tax Credit is Deployed, Workers and Climate Stand to Benefit

The U.S. Departments of Treasury and Energy announced the first round of project recipients for the Advanced Energy Project Tax Credit (48C). The Inflation Reduction Act provided 48C with $10 billion—including $4 billion for communities that have recently lost jobs in the coal sector. Following the announcement, the BlueGreen Alliance released a statement.

The U.S. Department of Energy Awards More Than $6 Billion for Industrial Transformation

Today the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $6 billion in awards to 33 projects across more than 20 states through its Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations’ Industrial Demonstrations Program (IDP). This funding—made possible by initiatives championed by President Biden and Democrats in Congress and passed into law—will help strengthen local economies across the nation and create and sustain tens of thousands of good-paying, high-quality jobs—particularly those that support worker organizing and collective bargaining.

BlueGreen Alliance Social Content for Award Announcements for Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations’ Industrial Demonstrations Program

Twitter/X .@POTUS and Democrats in #Congress delivered the investments we need to revitalize #manufacturing here in the US. Today’s Industrial Demonstrations Program announcements will drive down emissions & create and sustain good #union #mfg jobs. READ MORE: [LINK]   Exciting news from @POTUS and @Energy! New funding will help transform energy-intensive industries will: ✅ Grow…

BlueGreen Alliance Response to Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for the section 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit

The 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Tax Credit provides the largest ever investment in U.S. manufacturing of clean energy technologies. These investments are core to our mission to link climate action with good union jobs and to counter the racial and income inequality fed by manufacturing job losses. 45X is critical to the Inflation Reduction Act’s larger strategy to reduce industrial emissions and pollution, re-shore clean technology supply chains, support good manufacturing jobs, and spur U.S. global competitiveness.

Carbon Border Fees will Maintain Good Jobs and Reduce Industrial Emissions

Today Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), and Brian Schatz (D-HI), and Reps. Suzan DelBene (D-WA), Kathy Castor (D-FL), Don Beyer (D-VA), and Ami Bera (D-CA) introduced bicameral versions of the Clean Competition Act. The bill would impose a border fee on imports from carbon-intensive industries such as steel, aluminum, cement, and iron. Senators Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) introduced a similar bill, the Foreign Pollution Fee Act, on November 3, 2023.

Bridge the Gaps: How the Federal 48C Program Can Help Build a Strong Manufacturing Base for Clean Energy

Clean technology manufacturing is having a moment. In order to address climate change, we are going to need to produce a lot more solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, building efficiency products, electric vehicles, batteries, and other clean energy goods. Since passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, manufacturers have already announced more than $200 billion in private investment for solar, wind, energy storage, and electric vehicle projects in the U.S. The 48C tax credit is particularly well suited to build U.S. manufacturing capacity in specific segments of clean energy supply chains where we face the biggest gaps—gaps that are reflected in our new supply chain analysis.

Washington State Takes Charge of its Clean Manufacturing Future

The road to net-zero emissions requires rapid acceleration of clean energy technology and low-carbon materials production. The Evergreen State is well-positioned to lead this clean manufacturing revolution and grow a new generation of high-road jobs. Washington is already home to world-class production facilities for materials like steel rebar and aluminum plate, and its strong climate commitments and highly-skilled manufacturing workforce are two cornerstones of a robust low-carbon industrial economy.