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Don’t Workers Deserve the Everything Bagel?

Within six months of President Biden’s signature on the Inflation Reduction Act, companies announced a wave of solar, battery, and other clean tech manufacturing investments that will create more than 100,000 jobs across 31 states to make the nuts and bolts of clean energy. Many of the job openings will be in communities that have endured decades of divestment, deindustrialization, and economic insecurity. That response to the Inflation Reduction Act’s unprecedented federal funding is faster than anyone predicted. It offers an early validation of the strategy behind the law: to wield public investments to support climate action, good jobs, and greater equity at the same time. But some prominent commentators argue this is trying to do too much. Ezra Klein, for example, writes that such multi-pronged goals suffer from “everything bagel liberalism” that threatens the success of these landmark investments. 

EPA Proposes Robust Vehicle Emissions Standards, Accelerating the Nation Towards Climate Goals

This morning, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed new light- and heavy-duty vehicle greenhouse gas and tailpipe emissions standards that chart a course toward significantly reduced emissions from the nation’s future vehicle fleets. The new standards, which apply to vehicles beginning with Model Year 2027, represent one part of the broader whole-of-government approach the administration is taking to reduce emissions from the transportation sector and meet climate goals. It is essential, however, that the standards also contribute to the protection and creation of high-quality, union jobs in the auto manufacturing sector. 

The BlueGreen Alliance Responds to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Request For Information on Environmental and Climate Justice Block Grants

Done right, the Environmental and Climate Justice Block Grants represent a critical pathway through which EPA can support clean energy deployment, pollution reduction, and climate goals. The block grants can achieve those goals while creating good union jobs, growing domestic manufacturing, and delivering public health and environmental benefits to the workers and communities that need it most.

Maryland Passes the POWER Act to Expand Offshore Wind, Good Jobs

 Today the Maryland General Assembly passed the Promoting Offshore Wind Energy Resources (POWER) Act. This legislation increases Maryland’s offshore wind (OSW) goals to 8.5 gigawatts by 2031 and establishes high-road labor standards across OSW manufacturing, construction, operations, and maintenance through the requirement for Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) and Labor Peace Agreements (LPAs). The POWER Act also initiates a state process to coordinate transmission infrastructure and prioritize in-state manufacturing. 

BlueGreen Alliance Comments on Department of the Interior’s Orphaned Wells Remediation Program

In comments to the U.S. Department of the Interior, the BlueGreen Alliance welcome the continued rollout of DOI’s orphaned well remediation program and appreciate the opportunity to provide further comments on how that program can be implemented in ways that create high-quality, family-sustaining jobs, reduce methane emissions and pollution, and leave behind healthier and cleaner communities.