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Displaying 290 search results for 🤟 Ivermectin For Humans Where To Buy Usa 😉 😉 Order Stromectol 12mg Usa 🍑 Ivermectin 6mg Tablets Usa | Ivermectin 3mg Canada.

Ahead of Historic House Vote on Build Back Better Act, Labor and Environmental Leaders Call on Congress to Vote ‘Yes’ to Create Good-Paying Jobs Across Country

Leaders from the BlueGreen Alliance today during a virtual press briefing called on Congress to quickly pass the historic Build Back Better Act and released new data estimating the job creation potential of several of the investments included in the bill.  Leaders from the United Steelworkers union (USW), National Wildlife Federation (NWF), IUPAT, and the Sierra Club joined the BlueGreen Alliance on the call to present the data and urge Congress to act.

The BlueGreen Alliance Writes Letter Urging House to Pass Build Back Better Act

The BlueGreen Alliance urges members of the House to vote “YES” on passage of the Build Back Better Act. This bill provides much-needed investment that will create millions of high-quality jobs in clean energy and infrastructure, manufacturing, climate resilience, and the care economy. The U.S. House of Representatives should seize this historic opportunity to put…

Elected Officials, Labor-Environment Coalition, and Climate Advocates Call on Rep. Kurt Schrader To Follow Through on Commitment to Support Build Back Better Act

Metro Councilor Christine Lewis and Wilsonville Mayor Julie Fitzgerald joined climate advocates to call on U.S. Rep. Kurt Schrader to follow through on his commitment to vote for the Build Back Better Act (BBBA). Speakers urged Congress to tackle the climate crisis and pass a budget that meets the climate test by setting the United States on a path to a 50-52% reduction in carbon pollution by 2030.

As House Nears Build Back Better Act Vote, U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur Joins Labor and Environmental Leaders to Discuss Job Creation Potential for Ohio and Passage of Infrastructure Package

As the U.S. House of Representatives nears a vote on the Build Back Better Act, U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) joined the BlueGreen Alliance, Ohio AFL-CIO, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Policy Matters Ohio, and NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) for a virtual press briefing on the need to pass the bill.

President Biden Signs First Part of Build Back Better Agenda

President Biden today signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) into law, one piece of the president’s agenda to build back better, which includes investments to repair and modernize America’s surface transportation systems and funding to reclaim abandoned mine lands. 

New Regional Task Force to Target Embodied Carbon Added to Pacific Coast Collaborative

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee announced at COP26 in Glasgow the formation of a new regional task force to reduce embodied carbon in construction materials. In order to ensure our state leads this important work, the BlueGreen Alliance looks forward to engaging with the Governor’s office to advance these policies here at home. Washington is well-positioned to meet the growing demand for low-carbon materials and create a new generation of high-road manufacturing careers.

Congress Needs to Vote on Build Back Better

The U.S. House of Representatives today passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), one piece of the president’s agenda to build back better that includes investments to repair and modernize America’s surface transportation systems and funding to reclaim abandoned mine lands. Following the passage of the bill, the BlueGreen Alliance released a statement from Executive Director Jason Walsh. 

Manufacturing Investments to Build Back Better

Serious action to address climate change and strengthen the U.S. economy for all requires substantial investment in rebuilding our manufacturing sector in ways that will deeply reduce emissions while building domestic supply chains and creating and protecting good jobs for workers and communities across the nation.