Jim Holland
Jim is the Senior Policy Advisor for Transmission at the BlueGreen Alliance. He works on electricity transmission policy, including development of transmission and distribution capacity. He is interested in ways improved transmission and technology advancements can expand the use of clean energy.
Jim has work experience in labor and financial services. Before joining the BlueGreen Alliance, he was the Research Director at the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), a union that represents USPS city letter carriers. At the NALC, he provided financial, policy, and regulatory analysis for union leaders. He represented the NALC in filings with the Postal Regulatory Commission, the USPS regulator, in filings related to postal pricing, cost, and service. Previously, Jim was a research analyst for the United Auto Workers union and for the United Steelworkers union, where he supported union bargaining and organizing. Earlier in his career, Jim worked in Merrill Lynch’s Global Markets and Investment Banking division, where he assisted corporations with fundraising in the U.S. debt capital markets.
He has a strong interest in fair treatment for local communities and Tribes, preservation of natural habitats, and respect for locations of cultural and historical importance.
Jim graduated from Fairfield University with a BA in Economics. He is located in Massachusetts.