BlueGreen Alliance | BlueGreen Alliance Statement on the State of the Union

BlueGreen Alliance Statement on the State of the Union

The Blue Green Alliance released the following statement after President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech.

January 27, 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 27, 2010) Following President Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech this evening, the Blue Green Alliance released the following statement from Executive Director David Foster:

“President Obama’s State of the Union was a call to action to immediately create jobs in the United States. Passing a strong clean energy and climate change bill in the Senate will answer the call – reinvigorating America’s middle class by creating millions of good, green jobs.

“Comprehensive clean energy and climate change legislation, which includes policies like a Renewable Electricity Standard, investments in retrofitting buildings and weatherizing homes, and investment opportunities for manufacturers to retool and expand their facilities in the production of clean energy technologies, is essential to revitalizing our economy and putting Americans back to work. It is also essential that the jobs created in this clean energy economy are good jobs that support families and communities.

“The Senate should take action now to make the promise of good, clean energy jobs a reality.”


The Blue Green Alliance is a national partnership of labor unions and environmental organizations dedicated to expanding the number and quality of jobs in the green economy. Launched by the Sierra Club and United Steelworkers, the Blue Green Alliance now includes the Communications Workers of America, Natural Resources Defense Council, Service Employees International Union, Laborers’ International Union of North America, Utility Workers Union of America, American Federation of Teachers and the Amalgamated Transit Union.