BlueGreen Alliance |


New report finds on job creation, investment in manufacturing, investment in cleaning up industrial emissions, and domestic momentum in growing industries we see that Biden-Harris outperformed Trump.

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Solidarity Central

See how we are uniting labor unions and environmental organizations to solve today’s environmental challenges in ways that create and maintain quality jobs and build a clean, prosperous, and equitable economy.

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EV Jobs Hub

As widespread EV adoption transforms the auto industry—powered by investments from governments and automakers alike—we have an opportunity to set a high bar for job quality in the auto manufacturing sector.

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  • Solidarity Central
  • EV Jobs Hub

The BlueGreen Alliance (BGA) unifies labor unions and environmental organizations into a powerful force to fight climate change, protect the health of people and the environment, stand against economic and racial inequality, and create and maintain good-paying, union jobs in communities across the country.

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about the impacts of climate change and the job-creating opportunities of environmental protections.

Facilitate Dialogue

between environmentalists, union members and other stakeholders on shared goals.

Make Change

for good jobs, a clean environment, and a thriving and fair economy.

Americans don’t have to choose between creating good jobs and protecting the environment. We can and must do both.

Clean Economy Union Jobs

Clean Economy Union Jobs

BGA is working to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by deploying all the tools at our disposal, from renewable energy technologies like onshore wind and solar, to growing and innovative technologies like offshore wind and direct air capture.

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Solidarity for Climate Action is our plan to put working people front and center as we create a new economy.

Manufacturing and Industrial Policy

Manufacturing and Industrial Policy

U.S. manufacturing can be the cleanest and most innovative in the world, and that we can create and sustain high-quality jobs building the nation’s future.

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The BlueGreen Alliance’s manufacturing agenda proposes a set of national actions to achieve global leadership across clean technology manufacturing.

Fairness for Workers and Communities

Fairness for Workers and Communities

The United States is in the middle of a transition to a new, cleaner economy, but an energy transition that is fair for workers and communities will not happen organically. We must ensure workers and communities aren't left behind.

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The BlueGreen Alliance National Energy Transition Policy Framework is a roadmap for policy makers to ensure workers and communities aren't left behind.

Infrastructure and Community Resilience

Infrastructure and Community Resilience

Decades of neglect have left our nation’s infrastructure in a state of disrepair. From our roads and bridges to our water systems, ports, public lands, and electric grid, repairing the nation’s infrastructure is a significant opportunity to create qu

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Buy Clean policies promote spending taxpayer dollars on infrastructure supplies for materials that are manufactured in a cleaner.

Equity and Health and Safe Communities

Equity and Health and Safe Communities

As a nation we are confronting the ongoing crises of economic inequality, racial injustice, climate change, and the impacts that these have on public health and the health of the environment.

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ChemHAT offers up easy to use information that we can use to protect ourselves, our families and our co-workers against the harm that chemicals can cause.

In the States

In the States

BGA’s state-level work has resulted in more than 100 wins in the form of strong climate and labor legislation, policy, regulatory, and implementation successes just since 2015.

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BGA led a coalition of labor, environmental groups, fisheries, and developers pushing for Oregon to require robust public engagement and strong labor standards for any future offshore wind development.

Solidarity for Climate Action

Let policymakers know you support Solidarity for Climate Action, our plan to put working people front and center as we create a new economy: one that values our work, our families, our communities, and our environment.

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Join the BlueGreen Alliance

Help us identify ways to turn today’s environmental challenges into job-creating and economic opportunities!

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Member Organizations